Henry Kissinger ..Ο Παγκοσμιοποιητής αρχιτέκτονας με αίμα εκατομμυρίων στα χέρια του νεκρός στα 100

Henry Alfred Kissinger died on Wednesday, November 29, at the age of 100, leaving behind a globalist legacy of blood and misery unmatched by anybody else in the 20th century.

Kissinger served as America’s top diplomat and national security adviser during the Nixon and Ford administrations, carving out a role as the world’s leading globalist architect and mentoring Klaus Schwab during the early years of the World Economic Fourm in Davos.

Speaking to Politico, longtime kingpin of the globalist movement Henry Kissinger walked back his previous position on the importance of open borders in Western nations and said that recent history showed nations had gone too far.

BBC report: In a statement, Kissinger Associates, a political consulting firm he founded, said the German-born former diplomat died at his home in Connecticut.

During his decades long career, Mr Kissinger played a pivotal, and sometimes polarising, role in US foreign policy.

The statement from Kissinger Associates did not give a cause of death.

Henry Kissinger with his pupil and disciple, Klaus Schwab, pictured at Davos

Following his death, former US President George W Bush said the US had “lost one of the most dependable and distinctive voices on foreign affairs”.

New York City’s former mayor, Michael Bloomberg, said Kissinger was “endlessly generous with the wisdom gained over the course of an extraordinary life”.

Born in Bavaria in 1923, the school teacher’s son first came to the US in 1938 when his family fled Nazi Germany.

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He became a US citizen in 1943 and went on to serve three years in the US Army and later in the Counter Intelligence Corps.

After earning bachelor’s, master’s, and PhD degrees, he taught international relations at Harvard.

In 1969, then-President Richard Nixon appointed him National Security Adviser, a position which gave him enormous influence over US foreign policy.

President Nixon and his secretary of state Henry Kissinger

As secretary of state during the Nixon administration – and later under President Gerald Ford – Mr Kissinger led diplomatic efforts towards China, helped negotiate an end to the 1973 Yom Kippur War between Israel and its neighbours and was instrumental in the Paris Peace Accords that ended the Vietnam War.

Over the years, however, Kissinger was also subject to scathing criticism from those who accused him of putting rivalry with the Soviet Union over human rights and supporting repressive regimes across the world, including Augusto Pinochet’s regime in Chile.

Kissinger, however, was dismissive of this criticism.

“That’s a reflection of their ignorance,” he told CBS in an interview shortly before his 100th birthday.

Kissinger turned 100 years old in May and continued to be active even late in life, including a surprise visit to Beijing to meet Chinese President Xi Jinping in July.

He is survived by his wife of nearly 50 years, as well as by two children – Elizabeth and David – from a previous marriage and five grandchildren.

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